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10 Steps to Hiring a Designer

10 Step Guide to Hiring a Designer – Full Write up

After getting a lot of positive feedback we were surprised to have a few requests for more content regarding our Infographic: 10 Step Guide to Hiring a Designer.  Below is the full content we used for the piece.  We hope you find this useful. Objective – This is the starting point for why you’re looking for a designer. You need to have a clear idea what the purpose, message, and goal for the project are. If you cannot clearly define this, it will be nearly impossible for you to express this to a designer. Start by first writing down what your goal is for the project. Then outline how the project lines up with other initiatives and campaigns in your company. When you’re at the interviewing stage with prospective designers, communicating your objective to them will be helpful for determining which designers are capable of achieving your goal. Portfolio –…

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10 Steps to Hiring a Designer

Infographic – 10 Step Guide to Hiring a Designer

We’ve had a lot of discussions lately with our clients about their needs.  Funny enough (or maybe not funny), most of them didn’t know we have a design department and most unfortunately do not have a reliable designer as part of their team.  After talking with customers we decided to make it easier for them by developing the guide you see below.  Whether someone uses us, or finds a different partner, we want to help people protect their interests and hire the best designer for them. Below is the 10 Step Guide to Hiring a Designer Infographic.  We hope you find it useful.  If you’re looking for a sample Design Project Brief as described in step#10, click here.  Happy hiring!

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