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20 Common Design Mistakes You Should Avoid

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new design project. Design brings opportunities to exercise our creativity and skill, but along with that designers face many challenges that may not be obvious. Here are 20 mistakes you should avoid during the design process. 1. Not Understanding the Project Understanding the client, purpose, and audience will help you create the most effective design. To help roadmap your design project, we’ve created a design brief to help research with the client. 2. Using the wrong typography Make sure to choose a font that’s appropriate for your purpose. Some fonts like Comic Sans and Lobster are so overused that your design may be lost among other pieces. Be aware of copyright laws, as well. Many fonts are copyrighted, so make sure you’re able to use it in your design without legal issue. 3. Too Many Fonts The optimal amount of…

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