4 Differences Between Print and Web Design
Well-rounded marketing campaigns should be diverse, and would benefit from using a variety of different tools. Printed collateral such as mailers, brochures and signs can work in tandem with online strategies such as email campaigns, social media posts, and user friendly websites. Having elements of print, and web marketing can be beneficial (link to 5 reasons print is still necessary blog), but it can be challenging finding a designer that understands the elements of both. Many freelancers and design firms either specialize in print, or in online pieces, and sometimes the results don’t translate between the different media. This can make it difficult to seamlessly move concepts and branding between the two worlds. Using a printer with an in-house designer will help you make the most of your marketing campaign, and here are four reasons why. 1. The Space for Design Varies. In print, your design is naturally limited by…